Saturday, October 29, 2016


I started this blog a few days ago with the intention of blogging everyday after hearing Seth Godin recommend the benefits of daily blogging in an interview with Marie Forleo. He said that everyone should have a blog and that having one forces you to become more aware of yourself and what is around you. Well I missed yesterday. I thought about a couple of ideas to blog about when I first woke up yesterday morning. I said to myself "I'll do my post when I get to work early." I then got to work earlier than normal and got distracted with emails and the work I needed to do that day. I then said to myself "I'll do it right when I get home." I was starting to get tired and extremely hungry. I ended up going to a few shoes stores after work to browse for a new pair of shoes and then picked up a few Take N' Bake Pizzas for the family. It was now getting late. The only thing on my mind at this point in time was having a nice slice of pizza and enjoying a movie and going to bed. The thought of blogging at this point in time was now gone. My streak of daily blogging had ended at 3! Looking back, I should have just got it done and out of the way when I arrived at work early like I had initially planned. It didn't get done because I put it off. Right now I'm righting this blog post first thing in the morning (everyone else is still asleep) and I feel good that I'm back in the saddle of producing a daily blog.

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